1043 Lower Rd. New Hampton, NY 10958
Public worship is a holy assembly called into existence by the Word of God. In worship we hear the good news of Jesus Christ proclaimed to us and respond in prayer and praise.
Sunday morning service (9:30 am) typically lasts for about an hour and 15 minutes. The service is centered around a sermon. The songs we sing in public worship are traditional hymns and Psalms. Nursery is available for small children during this service. After this service, we invite you to join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship as well as Sunday School.
Sunday evening service (6pm) will usually last about an hour. At this service we typically hear a sermon explaining the core doctrines of the Christian faith as we see them summarized in our Confessions. Nursery is available for small children. Having evening worship is very helpful in setting aside the whole day to the Lord.
People dress in different ways at our church but whatever your fashion taste, we encourage everyone to dress respectfully and modestly. Some will wear ties and dresses and others will wear jeans.
One of the great privileges of worship is celebrating the Lord’s Supper. We welcome professing Christians in good standing with other gospel-believing churches to commune. However, we ask that if you wish to partake, you come early so that an elder can speak with you. We treat the Lord’s Supper as very sacred and want to make sure that we are celebrating it in the way that God commands (I Corinthians 11:23-34).
Whether you grew up in church or have never been to church before, we would be happy to have you join us for worship one day.
For directions or other questions, please see our "Contact" page.